Friday, August 5, 2011

Jessica Sutta - Show Me [Music Video Premiere]

America's best girl group of recent years - The Pussycat Dolls - have all split up and pursued different solo careers. Nicole and Kimberley have managed to make a dent on the UK charts with Scherzinger stealing Cheryl Cole's job on the X Factor US while Wyatt has gone all La Roux on us, teaming up with a DJ to form her own duo Her Majesty And The Wolves. Melody, also known as the small girl with the big voice, recently released some studio demos that sound alright but nothing worth shouting about. Ashley hasn't done anything much but Resident Redhead Jessica Sutta tried to gun for a solo career with the trashy I Wanna Be Bad.

Obviously, it's easy to say Nicole is the most successful, but she's as interesting as a piece of cardboard and has average material handed to her while she trods out mindless choreography, barely keeping anything interesting. We've got a new chick on the block though. Jessica might have released the trashy I Wanna Be Bad, but she got picked up by Hollywood Records (Lord knows why), and has transformed into a slick, leather-wielding dance floor diva.

She's got a new track Show Me and an equally sexy music video. I do wish she had a dance break but she's looking all glamorous so let's not complain. Baby steps..

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