Thursday, June 2, 2011

Introducing: Nicola Roberts

If you're familiar with the British pop music scene, you'll know that Girls Aloud have been girl group giants until their ever-extending hiatus when the girls all went to pursue different projects. Cheryl Cole has already had much success while Nadine Coyle flopped harder than Bey's Run The World (Girls). (By the way, Nadine will be releasing Runnin' in the US, totally forgettable, probably bringing her flopness to the States). Still, there's another dark horse that could very well threaten Cheryl's success. With Cheryl's X Factor drama still very much a PR disaster, Nicola's turning the spotlight to herself with the release of her solo single Beat of My Drum on the 5th of June.

If you're a Girls Aloud fan, you'll know that Nicola had the best voice in Girls Aloud, second to Nadine, but she's definitely a lot more quirky and her new single Beat of My Drum definitely highlights that with the Ginger Genius chanting dance to the beat of my drum! repeatedly over a chorus The Best Damn Thing era Avril Lavigne wouldn't snob at. It comes across as more playful and younger than bratty Avril's Girlfriend and sounds like it could be very well go on to be a summer hit.

The song will premiere tomorrow on Radio 1 with Scott Mills and the video will premiere on the day of the track's release. Check out a little snippet of the video for the song below.

Damn.. Who knew the Ginger Genius could move like that?

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